Sanuj Raj
5 min readSep 16, 2020

In Your Life


Failures are a crucial part of our life which we whether like it or not will eventually and surely happen. No one, I repeat no one irrespective of gender, caste, rich or poor is exempted from it. Failure brings a lot of sad emotions with them but always remember the situations that arise during these phases are temporary.
People always mistake failures as a permanent deed which leads them to take unparalleled bad decisions like suicide and even pushed them into depression and negative thinking. It is not at all like this, after you deal with failures there is always sunshine awaiting.

“Failure is a Necessary Evil”

The people who have seen dark times in their lives will surely have a better chance at success in life with proper dedication and hard work because they will know the importance of time and situation.
For instance, if you cheat on the exam and bring more marks than the one who studied honestly. Then, today it will look like you are the winner but believe me my friend in the end he will win.

Jeff Bezos Greatest Advice for Everyone

Remember life has a way of rewarding and punishing everyone at some point in time. Those people who don’t have any experience of failures will never know what it is like to be in that situation. But I don’t think failure leaves anyone. Life will eventually happen to them sooner or later and it will automatically make you humble and teach you life lessons that no one else can teach.

A hungry stomach, a big failure, an empty wallet and a broken heart can teach you the best lessons of life.


Failures will put you in a situation that you would not like about it at that time but believe me it is the only thing that will prepare you for the upcoming challenges of your life. It will create opportunities for you like none other. Failures can be a blessing, it will not seem like it in the situation but it will definitely open doors for you.

Fail big then only you will get to the depth of life like never before. The people who are depressed are surely in an overthinking state but they truly know the meaning of life and it’s aspects. Never judge a person who is in depression because no one can ever know what the person is going through and what his mindset is.

Elon Musk’s Never Giving Up Attitude, An Amazing Video of the Greatest

The lonliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, the most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did. <Weird but Absolutely True>


Be happy at all times, regardless of the situation and the person you are with. This is perfectly conveyed in the film Swashank Redemption. There was a famous line which said “Salvation Lies Within” which means your happiness and your truth of life lies in you. It is a matter of thinking and doing the work accordingly which differentiates each person. For instance, Bill Gates and you have got the same amount of time, have the same sized brain but he is way successful than you. It is just a matter of thinking and putting your mind where your inner self belongs. Everything is in your mind so pick a good attitude and start your preparation today and work hard not for money but for excellence.


Things as materials don’t matter in life, the only thing matters are people and everything about them. People have a tendency of loving things, they give their priority to materials. But remember things can come and go but people won’t so prioritize people before stuff.

Human beings have a tendency of getting bored too quickly. Our brain is designed to seek new adventures and new experiences on a daily basis. So owning things will make you lose their value eventually and you will be soon after new things. So in short, don’t have a Materialistic mindset.

Some generally love things and use people but things should be used and people are to be loved.

In short, use material not people.

Being Materialistic is the number one reason why people slide into depression because they think a new iPhone has more value than a person. They after a few months get bored of the phone and start to complain “no one loves me” on that phone. Always remember, a face to face conversation has more value than a chat between them on their phone. Steve Jobs himself preferred a one-to-one conversation rather than messaging the person.


A person either wins or learns, there is no loss involved because every failure teaches you something and it makes you stronger than ever before. It makes you humble and a person of self-worth. Failing at something sucks but it teaches you something which you will not value it right now but in the future, it will surely help you. Trying and not giving up should be the main motto of people rather than worrying about winning or failing. You should have the audacity to get knocked down 100 times and be ready the 101st time to face your challenges.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Speech for the People Slipping in Life

In life, you should taste everything from bitter failures to sweet success. Life is well lived only if you have the experience of both. A good combination of both needs to be there. Success makes you go ahead in life and failure makes you strive even harder for success.


There are 2 ways a change can be introduced in life, first by taking a step forward and changing yourself, and second, you don’t yourself make a move but time makes a move on you and eventually changes you. The change that time makes on you is generally very painful mentally. So it is up to you to choose wisely.

One common mistake people do is wishful thinking, they wish somebody to do the things for them in exchange for nothing or they wish their luck to turn around and make them a millionaire overnight. Don’t be the victim of wishful thinking, it is a road not taken. It will lead to nowhere rather it will make a work thief.

Replacing “Why is this happening to me” with “What is it trying to teach me” is a game-changer. Generally, people make a common mistake as they project the cause of their problem on others and blame them for their problems, but in life never blame anyone for your problems. Blaming will not let the problem go away, you have to face it and solve it for yourself.

If you will not change, nothing will change.

