Full of Form

Sanuj Raj
5 min readJun 24, 2020


FYI General FF(s)

  1. ABC:- American Broadcasting Company
  2. ABS:- Anti-Lock Braking System
  3. ACC:- Associated Cement Companies
  4. ADIDAS:- Adolf Dassler (Adi was short name of Adolf)
  5. AIDS:- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  6. AMD:- Advanced Micro Devices
  7. AMOLED:- Active Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode
  8. APK:- Android Application Package
  9. APN:- Access Point Name
  10. ASICS:- Anima Sana In Corpore Sano
  11. AT & T:- American Telephone & Telegraph Company
  12. ATM:- Automated Teller Machine
  13. AUDI:- Auto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt
  14. BBC:- British Broadcasting Corporation
  15. BENQ:- Bringing ENjoyment & Quality
  16. BIOS:- Basic Input & Output System
  17. BMW:- Bavarian Motor Works (in English)
  18. BPL:- British Physical Laboratories
  19. CAD:- Computer-Aided Design
  20. CBS:- Colombian Broadcasting Systems
  21. CC TV:- Closed Circuit Television
  22. Cc/Bcc:- Carbon Copy/Blind Carbon Copy
  23. CEAT:- Cavi Elettrici e Affini Torino
  24. CFL:- Compact Fluorescent Light
  25. CGI:- Computer Generated Image
  26. CGPA:- Cumulative Grade Point Average
  27. CIPLA:- Chemical, Industrial & Pharmaceutical LAboratories
  28. CISCO:- “Named after San FranCISCO”
  29. CNN:- Cable News Network
  30. COMCAST:- COMmunication & BroadCAST
  31. COMPAQ:- Compatibility & Quality
  32. COO:- Chief Operating Officer
  33. COSWORTH:- COStin & Keith DuckWORTH
  34. COVID-19:- COrona VIrus Disease 2019
  35. CT Scan:- Computerized Tomography Scan
  36. CTC:- Cost To Company
  37. CTS:- Cognizant Technology Solutions
  38. CV:- Curriculum Vitae
  39. CVT:- Continuously Variable Transmission
  40. DCT:- Dual Clutch Transmission
  41. DELL:- Digital Electronic Link Library
  42. DHL:- Daisley, Hillblom & Lynn
  43. DJ:- Disk Jockey
  44. DM:- Direct Message
  45. DNA:- Deoxyribo-Nucleic Acid
  46. DNS:- Domain Name System
  47. DP:- Display Picture
  48. DSLR:- Digital Single Lens Reflex
  49. DVD:- Digital Video Disk
  50. eBay:- echo Bay
  51. ECG:- Electrocardiogram
  52. EMI:- Equated Monthly Installment
  53. EPSON:- SON of Electronic Printer
  54. ESPN:- Entertainment & Sports Programming Network
  55. etc:- et cetera
  56. EXIDE:- EXcellent OxIDE
  57. FANTA:- FANTAsie (meaning “imagination”)
  58. FAX:- Facsimile
  59. FCUK:- French Connection United Kingdom
  60. FedEx:- Federal Express
  61. FIAT:- Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino
  62. FIFA:- Federation of International Football Association
  63. FIFO:- First In First Out
  64. FIR:- First Information Report
  65. FM:- Frequency Modulator
  66. FTP:- File Transfer Protocol
  67. GIF:- Graphics Interchange Format
  68. GMT:- Greenwich Meridian Time
  69. GPRS:- General Packet Radio Service
  70. GPS:- Global Positioning System
  71. GPU:- Graphics Processing Unit
  72. GQ:- Gentlemen Quarterly
  73. GSM:- Global System for Mobile Communication
  74. GST:- Goods & Service Tax
  75. GUI:- Graphical User Interface
  76. H & M:- Hennes & Mauritz
  77. HDFC:- Housing Development Finance Corporation
  78. HDMI:- High-Definition Multimedia Interface
  79. HIV:- Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  80. HOTMAIL:- HoTMaiL (includes the letter “HTML”)
  81. hp:- Hewlett Packard
  82. HSBC:- Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation
  83. hTC:- High Tech Computer
  84. HTML:- HyperText Markup Language
  85. HTTP:- HyperText Transfer Protocol
  86. HUD:- Head’s Up Display
  87. IBM:- International Business Machines
  88. ICU:- Intensive Care Unit
  89. IFSC:- International Financial Services Centre
  90. IKEA:- Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd
  91. IMDb:- Internet Movie Database
  92. IMEI:- International Mobile Equipment Identity
  93. INFOSYS:- INFOrmation SYStem
  94. ING:- International Netherlands Group
  95. INTEL:- INTegrated ELectronics
  96. INTERNET:- INTERconnected NETworking
  97. iOS:- iPhone Operating System
  98. IP:- Intenet Protocol
  99. IPO:- Initial Public Offering
  100. IQ:- Intelligent Quotient
  101. ISD:- International Subscriber Dialling
  102. ISP:- Internet Service Provider
  103. ISS:- International Space Station
  104. ITC:- Imperial Tobacco Company
  105. IVF:- In Vitro Fertilization
  106. IVT:- Infinitely Variable Transmission
  107. JAL:- Japan AirLines
  108. JBL:- James Bullough Lansing
  109. JCB:- Joseph Cyril Bamford
  110. JPEG:- Joint Photography Expert Group
  111. JVC:- Japan Victor Company
  112. KFC:- Kentucky Fried Chicken
  113. KLM:- Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij NV (English- Royal Dutch Airlines)
  114. KTM:- Kraftfahrzeuge Trunkenpolz Mattighofen
  115. KYC:- Know Your Customer
  116. L & T:- Larsen & Toubro
  117. LASER:- Light Amplification by the Simulated Emission of Radiation
  118. LCD:- Liquid Crystal Display
  119. LED:- Light Emitting Diode
  120. LEGO:- LEg GOdt
  121. LEXMARK:- LEXington MARKeting
  122. LG:- Lucky Goldstar
  123. LIDAR:- LIght Detection And Ranging
  124. LIFO:- Last In First Out
  125. LILO:- Last In Last Out
  126. LKG:- Lower Kindergarten
  127. LPG:- Liquified Petroleum Gas
  128. M & M:- Mars & Murrie
  129. MAN:- Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg
  130. MBBS:- Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery
  131. MCB:- Miniature Circuit Breaker
  132. MG Cars:- Morris Garages Cars
  133. MICR:- Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
  134. MODEM:- MOdulator-DEModulator
  135. MRI:- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  136. Ms-DOS:- Microsoft Disk Operating System
  137. NASA:- National Aeronautics & Space Administration
  138. NASDAQ:- National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
  139. NFC:- Near Field Communication
  140. OAB:- Oman Arab Bank
  141. OCD:- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  142. OCR:- Optical Character Recognition
  143. OK:- Oll Korrect (a jokey misspelling of “All Correct” that needs some historical context to make sense)
  144. OLED:- Organic Light Emitting Diode
  145. OMR:- Optical Mark Recognition
  146. OTG:- On The Go
  147. PAN:- Permanent Account Number
  148. PCO:- Public Call Office
  149. PDF:- Portable Document Format
  150. Ph.D.:- Doctor of Philosophy
  151. PIN:- Personal Identification Number
  152. PING:- Packet Internet Groper
  153. PNR:- Passenger Name Reference
  154. POI:- Point Of Interest
  155. POV:- Point Of View
  156. PPI:- Pixels Per Inch
  157. P.S.:- Post Scriptum
  158. PVC:- Poly Vinyl Chloride
  159. QANTAS:- Queensland & Northern Territory Aerial Services
  160. QR code:- Quick Response code
  161. RADAR:- RAdio Detection & RAnging
  162. RDX:- Research Department EXplosive
  163. RPM:- Revolutions Per Minute
  164. SAAB:- Svenska Aeroplan Aktie Bolaget
  165. SCB:- Standard Chartered Bank
  166. SEAT:- Sociedad Espanola de Automoviles de Turismo
  167. SEGA:- SErvice GAmes
  168. SIM:- Subscriber Identity Module
  169. SMS:- Short Messaging Service
  170. SONAR:- SOund Navigation And Ranging
  171. SPRINT:- South Pacific Railroad INTernal
  172. STD:- Subscriber Trunk Dialling
  173. TCL:- Today China Lion
  174. TCS:- Tata Consultancy Services
  175. TDS:- Tax Deducted at Source
  176. TFT:- Thin Film Transistor
  177. TOSHIBA:- TOkyo Denki & SHIBAura
  178. TRP:- Television Rating Point
  179. TVS:- Trirukkurungudi Vengaram Sundaram
  180. UKG:- Upper Kindergarten
  181. UMBRO:- UMphrey BROthers
  182. UNESCO:- United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization
  183. UNICEF:- United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
  184. UPS:- United Parcel Service
  185. URL:- Uniform Resource Locator
  186. USB:- Universal Serial Bus
  187. USP:- Unique Selling Proposal
  188. VAT:- Value Added Tax
  189. VERIZON:- VERItas & HoriZON
  190. VFX:- Visual Effects
  191. VGA:- Video Graphics Array
  192. VMware:- Virtual Machine Software
  193. VODAFONE:- VOice, DAta & TeleFONE
  194. VoLTE:- Voice over Long-Term Evolution
  195. VPN:- Virtual Private Network
  196. WD:- Western Digital
  197. WiFi:- Wireless Fidelity
  198. WINDOWS:- Wide Interactive Network Development for Office Work Solutions
  199. YAHOO:- Yet Another Hierarchical Organized Oracle
  200. ZDC:- Zero Degree Calirometre

Honorable Mentions #1 (Texting Abbreviations)

  1. <3:- Meaning “Sideways Heart”
  2. 121:- One-to-One (private conversation)
  3. 182:- I Hate You
  4. AMF:- As a Matter of Fact
  5. AKA:- Also Known As
  6. ASAP:- As Soon As Possible
  7. ATB:- All The Best
  8. ATM:- At The Moment
  9. B/C:- Because
  10. BTT:- Back To Topic
  11. BTW:- By The Way
  12. CU:- See You
  13. DIY:- Do It Yourself
  14. F2F:- Face To Face
  15. FOMO:- Fear Of Missing Out
  16. GOI:- Get Over It
  17. IDC:- I Don’t Care
  18. IKR:- I Know, Right?
  19. JK:- Just Kidding
  20. L8R:- Later
  21. JOMO:- Joy Of Missing Out
  22. NVM:- Never Mind
  23. OFC:- Of Course
  24. STFU:- Shut The “Freak” Up
  25. YOLO:- You Only Live Once

For more information and to see a huge list of texting abbreviations, visit:- https://www.webopedia.com/quick_ref/textmessageabbreviations.asp

Honorable Mentions #2 (Business Acronyms)

  1. AB:- Administrative Board
  2. ABM:- Area Business Manager
  3. ADOF:- Associate Director Of Finance
  4. BS:- Balance Sheet
  5. CAO:- Chief Accounting Officer
  6. COGS:- Cost Of Goods Sold
  7. CPA:- Certified Public Accountant
  8. EPS:- Earnings Per Share
  9. ETF:- Exchange Traded Funds
  10. FOREX:- FOReign EXchange
  11. GAAP:- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
  12. GNP:- Gross National Product
  13. LLC:- Limited Liability Company
  14. NAV:- Net Asset Value
  15. NDA:- Non-Disclosure Agreement
  16. NYSE:- New York Stock Exchange
  17. PRO:- Public Relations Officer
  18. PSP:- Profit-Sharing Plan
  19. ROA:- Return On Assets
  20. ROE:- Return On Equity
  21. ROS:- Return On Sales
  22. RMP:- Risk Management Professional
  23. WC:- Working Capital
  24. YOY:- Year Over Year
  25. YTM:- Yield To Maturity

To learn a thing or two about business watch the video:-

Comment down the abbreviations that you think were left out in the post and should have made the cut!!



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