Sanuj Raj
5 min readMay 17, 2021



Engines are one of the most “technologically advanced common things” that we see every day from our eyes but we still fail to recognize the beauty behind it because they have been powering all kinds of vehicles for a century. But through all this time the engine as one would guess the engines would have been perfected to its limit but this is not true because they only utilize about 20% to 30% of the energy of the fuel that they are burning.
Humans, in particular, have built very few engines that give more than 50% efficiency, for example, Carnot cycle engines, fuel cells, etc.
The remaining energy is lost and heat and through a number of other factors.

Copying nature would surely help in this case as many of the phenomena in nature produces quite a lot of energy, take antimetabolic for example whenever it comes in contact with actual matter it annihilates and generates 100% pure energy.


The efficiency of light bulbs is not that great either as they only convert about 5% of the electricity into light and the remaining 95% is lost as heat. To combat this poor efficiency many bulbs have flooded the market which includes incandescent light, LED lights, and fluorescent lights.
This pattern can be found in many applications as a lot of energy is wasted in form of heat.

Basically what happens is that the electricity is passed from the bulb which in turn generates heat and light from the filament. The temperature in the filament reaches very high as current is passed continuously through the bulb and the temperatures reach as high as the temperature on the surface of the Sun.
The industry of light bulbs dates back hundreds of years.

Copying nature would surely help in this case as bulbs needed to last for a very long amount of time which requires a certain level of consistency and perseverance in the hands who made those bulbs. nature has lasted for eternity and has shown proper consistency to go with it.

3. Automotive Industry

A vehicle is an entity with a dense amount of engineering done to it. Cars were the prominent topic when the first car by Carl Benz was made at the start of the 20th century and since then we have not looked back and transferred ourselves from riding horses to driving cars.
Today it has become a $10 trillion industry.

Cars have evolved for over a century into a thing that we drive today. It is a culmination of not thousands but millions of engineering minds dedicating their countless hours working together to create a better car for people. Many companies have revolutionized the car industry by inventing certain technologies which not only help us in driving cars but in our everyday use we use those techniques.

In the early days of automotive industry owning a car was kind of a big thing and owning a horse was not but nowadays it’s the other way around.

Cars have been so useful to us and have been so deeply rooted into a system that anyone with a little knowledge of how to drive cars can drive easily with little to no teaching, and nowadays it seems everybody can drive a car, although some idiots remain who drive recklessly.

Copying nature would surely help in this case as nature is also the dense field of evolution, as a matter of fact, every living thing has evolved over the course of time nature shows how much we think we made a good product there is always room for improvement and a better product can be made from the best one also.


Planes are a prime example of how to copy nature for the benefit of humanity in general. It is relatively a new industry as compared to ships and boats which goes way back in time for traveling in bulk.

From the first flight by the Wright brothers at the start of the 20th century to right now planes have been flying on the same principles that these simple birds use, we just tweaked our design by copying the working of nature and as a result, made our design a bit faster by introducing jet engines onto the wings. Just like nature planes have evolved from a dangerous entity initially to one of the safest ways to travel long distances along with enjoying the company of fellow passengers. There was even a time when you could travel on a civilian aircraft faster than the speed of sound, in fact, twice the speed of sound which resulted in crossing the Atlantic in just under three hours. These were the days of the Concorde which was discontinued because of its expensive nature and low passenger capacity.

All in all, copying nature has helped this industry the most. We went from flying the first plane at the start of the 20th century to landing people on the moon in just 50 years, insanity at its best.


Technology has been the backbone of 21st-century living, there is not a single person who is not surrounded by a piece of technology that was built for the betterment of humankind. Pieces of technology like the iPhone and personal computers have shaped the world we live in. It is hard to imagine a world where we are not connected with each other through the internet, it is such a widely spread tool and such a useful one that can create endless possibilities for anyone from anywhere.

Just like nature technology has been evolving in the form of generations, each new generation brings slightly powerful performance and reliability. With endless desire to achieve what it’s possible, in the technology world we are on the brink of absolute edge as we are approaching a saturation phase in which each passing generation is not far better than the last one.

Copying nature has surely helped as the way nature communicates with each other forms the basis of today’s communication as well, although our network of communication and speed of it has drastically increased than that of nature the basic principle remains the same.




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